List my Direct Sales Business
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When you list your Direct sales / MLM / work at home business with us. You also get your own affiliate page. with a link to when some one buys a service from your page ( affiliate program or list a business with us) we pay you.
Why list your MLM, Direct Sales, Work at Home Business?
Just about every Multi Level Marketing business is set up the same way. You sell your product and earn money. To really have success and to grow your business, you need to put others in your business and they need to repeat the process. If your looking on this site, you have already ran out of family and friends and just about everyone else you come in contact with to ask. Now you are at the point of either giving up or finding a new way to get representatives into your business. I am glad you have chosen to find another way. This web site is designed to draw people who are looking to start their own business to see your business. The people who are coming to this site are not cold leads. Instead they are red hot leads and searching to get involved in a business that has a potential of giving them financial freedom. I know what you are thinking $150 is a lot of money and what if no one still wants to join my business? Your right it is a lot of money. This is an investment for your business and you do not have to loose the money. When you list your business with Best Business Marketing you also get at no extra charge, to take part in our affiliate program. This is not a multi level program it is strait commission. We pay you $10 every time someone signs up to be an affiliate or lists their local business or their work at home business, from your affiliate page. Also you will get tips on how to drive traffic (customers) to where you want them to go. So if you want to bring them to your business directly or if you want to take them to your affiliate page you will be equipped to do it. This site is not a fully automated site. So it is not an instant pay and start earning your money. We set up your page by hand. We name the products (list business or affiliate programs) to represent your page so we can keep record of what you sold that week in order to pay you.